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A Quick Look at What SYN Pharmaceutical Offers as Enhancing Supplements

The PGAnabolics web address with a reference to SYN Pharmaceutical ( provides info about the different performance enhancing anabolic steroids manufactured by SYN Pharma. The company is recognized in Canada as a trustworthy manufacturer and supplier of a broad range of steroids generally classified as Schedule II substances in the US.

image of crossfit trainersThere is no legislative provision requiring Health Canada to evaluate for approval the manufacture and sale of steroids and various ancillary products like sexual enhancement and fat loss supplements. Just like the US FDA. Health Canada lacks the authority to evaluate products being manufactured by companies involved in the production of food-based nutraceuticals and performance-enhancing compounds.

SYN Pharma actually specializes in manufacturing and selling steroids, whether oral, injectable or the Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARM) type. SARM being a performance-enhancing anabolic substance used in stimulating muscle mass increase and strength enhancement, usually administered as part of recovery from training exercises.

Nevertheless, being one of the prominent companies engaged in Canada’s life science industry. SYN Pharmaceutical manifest that all their products are pharmaceutical grades of the highest quality. They have quality control reports based on independent lab tests performed on the company’s products. The reports show SYN Pharma’s consistent adherence to the standards of quality manufacturing prescribed and mandated by Health Canada as Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) that all manufacturers must maintain and sustain in their production facilities.

What Does Life Science Research on Foot Health Tell Us About Steroid Medications

Life science research on foot health research include discussions on how foot problems create a negative impact on the quality of life and general health. Medical findings about foot health conditions are deemed as indicators of other he;ath problems. Tingling sensations and numbing of the feet could be taken as a sign of diabetes. Foot swelling could be an indication of high blood pressure and blood circulation problems related to a heart or kidney disease.

image of a senior afflicted with arthritisLife science research on foot problems show that factors such as age, obesity, mental health and vascular disorders can increase the risks of loss of balance that cause falls especially in women and older people.

Life science development of treatments for foot problems include steroid injections known as cortisone shots. The medication is administered as treatment for foot and ankle inflammation related to tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, bursitis and arthritis. Cortisone shots or corticosteroid injections are common anti-inflammatory treatments for foot and ankle pain classified as Schedule III medications under the US Controlled Substances Act.

As such, cortisone steroids are drugs with legitimate medical functions albeit with properties that could result in low to moderate physical dependence. Schedule III drugs are in contrast to Schedule II steroid substances that are deemed as dangerous because they have high risk levels for both physical and psychological dependence.

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